Thursday, October 22, 2009


Jason is doing better than the last time I had written about him. He hasn't stopped improving since June 23rd/08. The most noticeable aspect being socialization, his personality. Playing cards has brought out more of Jason's personality, being home in the summer definitely helped with that as well. Doctors appts are booked for December and January, we are still waiting on his cardiac appt but I hope he gets it by Jan too. Blood work is every two weeks now. Sometimes there are problems with his INR but he is managing that with his GP. As he improves our quality of life improves as well.
I see more of more of Jason Version 1 as time goes along. Jason Version 2 is not around as much these days. I know this is an odd way to speak of the love of my life but pre heart attack and post heart attack doesn't do well for my psyche. I love both versions and I now love the blending of those 2. Every day with Jason is a gift, no matter what version. But I thought that before the heart attack.
Jacob is finally venting his feelings, his grief, his fears. I won't go into the details but he is an amazing child. Yes of course I am biased. Without Jason I would not have the greatest gift - Jacob.
I am loving my job. Jacob is doing well in school. Life is good.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

All you did.

All you did.

All you did was breathe for him
All you did was tell him it was going to be OK
All you did was make him comfortable
All you did was put light in our day.

All you did was work together
All you did was pump his chest
All you did was make sure he made it to the hospital
All you did was do everything but rest

All you did was give a boy his Dad back
All you did was give his Mom and Dad their son
All you did was make us see the heroes among us
All you did was tell him he was not done.

All you did was rise above us
All you did will never be forgot
All you did will always be remembered
All you did is why it will be fought

All you did can still make me cry
All you did was save his life
All you did makes you shine when I think of you
All you did was let me remain a military wife.

what you end up facing

You never know what you are going to face. Good or bad, you never know. I am hoping more good than bad for everyone, that's all I can do really. Bad stuff has to happen, we would not be human or mortal without it. But why does it have to happen continually to certain people, seemingly playing over and over like a bad record? I know life isn't fair. But does it have to be so unfair that some people never get to enjoy a moment?
Enjoy the moments, that's all we have. God, I feel preachy. Sorry about that.