Jacob turned 11 years old yesterday. Now I know that your children have tuened 11 or will tirn 11 but do you ever stop to think "How did this happen?". I cannot believe I have an 11 year old. I am young, feel like I did when I was 17 so how did this happen? Everyone talks about how fast time goes and I know it to be true. Jacob opened all his cards and gifts yesterday morning before school - he thanks everyone! He wanted to take homemade Hershey chocolate chip cookies for his classmates so heand I made them the night before. Of course after he got home he wondered why I made him go to school on his birthday. ha I have never had to do that so I guess I don't understand. For supper he wanted real meat on his nachos (not veggies, not chicken) and a cherry cola which he had and then we took a cheesecake and went over to Denise and Tony's to have dessert. I am making a cake for his party on Friday night.
Jason is going for his first driving lesson today. He was up at 3am, couldn't sleep. I am sure he is a bit nervous about this. He hasn't had a lesson ever, except when his Mom or Dad took him out in the car a few times when he was 17 years old. And he knew everything back then, he was 17 for Chris' sakes. He knew way more than his parents. Now almost being 38 (this Saturday!) and having to have driving lessons must be a bit disconcerting. I just hope he makes peace with it and enjoys it. We'll see.
It's been over 9 months since Jason had his heart attack - one benefit to time moving along.
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