This week has gone by so fast! March break is here!!! On Monday Jason saw a rheumatologist - nice man. He thinks Jason is experiencing a chronic type of gout so it is different than before. He had to go and get a blood test and will see him again in 2 months. He wants to design an effective way to treat the gout that will not affect his other medications. He did say that prednisone is the best route starting with 35 mg the first day of symptoms and decreasing every day by 5 mg for 7 days. So that's what we'll ask for if he has an outbreak between now and the next appt with Dr. Arthritis.
We went and saw Paul Blart Mall Cop with Jacob. I think I found it funnier than he did. I love Kevin James.
Tuesday we headed to Kingston for a 2 day break. I fretted over taking this trip. What if Jason forgets his medication? What if something happens to Jason? Jacob has gotten a reprieve from me worrying ever since June 23rd of last year. It is funny how I worry about my husband now instead of my son. Not that I do not worry about Jacob but you know what I mean. SO the first half -n-hour of our drive consisted of me turning around and saying I can't go to Kingston. I had a headache so that did not help and I did not know if I could drive the 2 hours anyways plus I was still worrying about taking Jason out of our routine. I know I was cracked but that's me. Poor Jacob was in the backseat wondering if I was having a nervous breakdown and all he wanted me to do was either drive east to Kingston or west back to the house.
Jason told me to suck it up and drive so that was what I did, god love him. And we got to visit with Dan, Joanna and the kids, Herb and Wendy, Leslie and Martha (from Barriefield Blossoms, Martha now owns her own place - In Bloom) and it was wonderful to see old friends. We stayed the first night at the Ambassador - Jacob enjoyed the water slide to the fullest! and we spent the next night at Dan and Joanna's - thanks you guys!! We hadn't seen them in over 2 years! And I hadn't seen Martha and Leslie in over 4 years!
When we got back we were all tired but happy that we got away. I have got to relax more. I have had nightmares almost every night this week, some nights I am having 2 or more of them. I know I am worrying too much and my chest is hurting again. I have got to let that go. Getting away is good but stressful for me to but I will learn to adapt. Jacob was so glad we went to Kingston. And Jason was too!
Jason helped our next door neighbour today with his basement - doing the ceiling, finishing the basement and there was a spring in his step today. He even asked Ken if he needed help tomorrow so that's a good sign! I had my sis-in-law on the phone for over 2 hours today helping me with our taxes - I think we may both pay in - gross!! I am still crunching numbers so who knows? Thank you Brenda!!!
Plenty of birthdays coming and brother Fred had a birthday on Thursday! He is older than me of course so that is worth mentioing, ha. My younger bro and his wife had a beautiful baby boy - Liam - on Thursday morning!!! Two Rowe men will celebrate on the same day next year. Congrats to Tina, Shayne, Kyle and Troy!! I have another nephew who we all can't wait to see when we go home for a visit!
Jacob's b-day is Tuesday - turning 11!! Jason's b-day is Saturday!! Party on!!!!!!!!!!!
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