Wednesday, March 4, 2009

COLD - I think we brought it from YK!

Yesterday and lately it has been cold. No, not -40 degrees but -20's and -30's with the wind and it is icy. It blows through your bones. Now that didn't stop Roland and Jason from walking in it yesterday but it stopped Audrey and I. Audrey has has sinus problems ever since she landed and this is the first time she has ever had a problem flying. Mom and I go through this almost every time we fly. I feel so bad because I know how painful it can be.
Yesterday we went an dwatched Jacob skating at the rink (his class went). He spent more time on the ice than he did skating I think but he had fun. Of course when he came off the ice we were cramping his style I think. I tried giving him kisses as the class left to go back to school but he wasn't having any of that. ha
Jason is still his quiet self. This may be our new reality. I have started getting used to it. Will I ever get used to it fully? Maybe. I do miss his chatty self but if this is the personality change that I have to contend with then it is a very mild one. He still can make me laugh out loud, his wit and sarcasm are still there. And that's the main thing. What are we as a couple without sarcasm? It has been the basis of our relationship.
His foot is better again. I hope this flare up is over for now. The Rheumatologist called the other day and he has his first appt during March break so we won't be going very far that week. This foot problem is important to his well being.
Oh, I also forgot to mention that driving back from Orleans to here through the farm fields I was travelling along doing 104 km/h in an 80 km/h zone. How do I know this? With my in-laws in the back I had a policeman turn on his lights and pull me over. He was very nice and I told him I have never gotten a speeding ticket and now I have my in-laws as witnesses to my first one! I was nice, he was friendly. He checked me out and came back with a by-law ticket saying I had ignored a sign (it does not mention that it was a speed sign) instead of a speeding ticket. My insurance won't be affected and I should slow down. How nice is that?? I really thought I was going to get a $200 fine or so because it has been a year of firsts for me and I figured why not this too? But he was a very nice guy and gave me a break. Whew.

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