Monday, March 9, 2009

I am back.

A lot has gone since I last wrote. I have not been myself for many reasons since I last wrote. While Audrey and Roland were here I realized how much I missed them. But I also started looking at Jason through their eyes. That was not a good thing for me. I saw the stress in Audrey's eyes at times and I became stressed. I managed to figure out what was wrong and what I was doing was not helping anyone. I wish I hadn't done it but it was a learning experience. And then I felt bad for Audrey and Roland because they did not get the true me this whole visit. Audrey was sick for most of the week and then I became sick so that did not help. It was so wonderful having them here. It was so wonderful each night going to bed knowing that Jason was happier because they were here. Jacob enjoyed them so much. Roland did lots of things we needed done around the house, Audrey cooked us delicious meals and bread! I do have the best in laws. Our relationship has changed to say the least but it is deeper.
Jason had a surprise visitor last Thursday - Ron D. came to visit. Ron was in Cornwall for work and we hadn't seen him since June 23rd. Ron helped save Jason's life so having eat at our table that evening and seeing Jason's face light up was pure joy. We got updated on the crowd in Yellowknife and being able to hug Ron and thank him was a gift. He helped give me back my husband, bring back Jacob's father, return a son to Audrey and Roland. Thank you to everyone in JTFN, I can never say it enough.
On Saturday Michelle, Lee and the girls drove from Barrie to visit us! It was so wonderful to see them and the girls have grown - so beautiful. I would lock them up if they were mine. We have a good time we them and it was great to hear all their stories. We are grateful for family. Jacob really enjoyed them - he hasn't stopped talking about his cousins.
Roalnd and Audrey left Sunday morning, it was hard to see them go. We have to go home within the next 4 months. I miss Newfoundland even more now. I wish we lived closer to our families. I have a new niece or nephew coming soon and I wish I was there. Jacob is close to all his grandparents and his 2 uncles and aunts and he needs them too. We are lucky to have a good relationship with all of them. It's a balance but I think we all work on it with love. When it is all said and done family is worth it.
Without friends where would we be? Today we were having tea at Kim's and they were going out to Montana's for supper and invited us along. We had such a nice time together and then Ken invited Jason to go see the Watchmen movie and Jason really wanted to see that. How nice is that? Kim and I took the kids to Chapters for a bit. There was a bit of a bathroom gross out moment (it did not involve us - thank god) but the kids love potty humour. I do too (to be honest).
Jacob got a call from his best friend in Yellowknife tonight and his Mom won a trip for two to Ottawa (radio contest)! Jacob was so happy and excited when he was on the phone and after he got off he screamed with joy! What great news! He misses his friend so much and now he has his visit to look forward too. Good timing because he was missing his Nan and Pop and now he has another great visitor lined up. So maybe in the begnning of July they will be here!


  1. HI Lisa,
    Lots going on with you these days. I am glad you had a super visit with family. I kept a low profile during visit season but I am back in action and anxious for my walking partner again. What are you up to th is afternoon? Love to get out in the about a walk today around 4:15. We can meet on the corner again if you are avail/up for it. I would love to hear about your latest job hunting!


  2. I can meet you at 4:15pm but is 30 mins OK??
