Saturday, August 13, 2016

Time did go by too fast

For all you Moms out there,

When you spend 18 years raising your child, caring, protecting, teaching that child and everyone tells you (as they are a lot smarter and wiser than you) that times goes by way too fast and enjoy the tantrums, the arguments, the potty training, the school years, the homework and the list goes on because you will blink, and it will all be over. Well, you know what, it does happen that way. In what seems like a blink of the eye, that time has passed. So quickly. Where did it go? How did I not listen to all of those wise women before me? What was I bloody thinking?

I thought he'd stay young forever. I thought he'd be home longer. I sent all of those years trying to do the right thing and raise a mature loving intelligent caring human being who would contribute to a more positive society and make the world a better place by being in it. So you know what he went and did? He grew up to be that person I had hoped, that we, as parents, tried to guide and mentor. And then he flew the coop. Just like that. He started making big decisions about his life, on his own - what nerve - and planned out a career for himself that make us proud as hell. Damn that kid, I mean adult.

Hang on for dear life. Live in the present. Get your head out of your phone, lap top, tablet and or PC and be there for each other.

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