Sunday, January 12, 2014

Coordination of Medical and Dental Benefits

Procrastination can only go on for so long when you have to bite the bullet, sit down, and wade through paperwork. I have had the medical and dental claims out to do so many times but whenever I started I managed to find something that was missing or had to be scanned or had to be signed etc, meaning every excuse in the book not to get it done. Last weekend when I thought this was it, it was going to be now or never, I noticed a mistake made by a front office and had to get that fixed during this past week. With that done I had no excuses today.

What used to be only a slightly painful exercise before hubby retired is now a bigger pain due to the extra steps to coordinate benefits now that his dental company has changed from being the same as mine to another. Also as my birthday is the last day of the year and Jason's is much earlier Jacob's benefits have to go through his first then mine and when Jacob and I always had our paperwork combined and the companies were the same it was easy peasey. Now? Not so much.

I know how lucky we are to have medical and dental insurance. Believe me I know. But the mounds of copies and original receipts stuffed into 3 envelopes to be mailed tomorrow tells me that there must be an easier way. It did not help matters (well it did but I was ticked) that Jason discovered our health professional can submit claims directly. The same front office hadn't bothered to tell me the past 5 years I have been visiting them (AKA paying them copious dollars for service). So when I asked why I wasn't told before they weren't sure. But it could happen in the future, I just have to deal with the mounds of paper this month. I will hopefully be OK next time round (a reduced amount of pain anyway).

So there's my rant for today. First world problems (Jacob keeps telling me). Perspective is back and I am headed off to get a cup of tea and a bickie.

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