Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas 2010 - a new beginning

Leading up to Christmas Jacob got his report card - he is doing so well in school! The day before Christmas break he came home with an 80+ on his last math test and he was worried because it wasn't in the 90's! Now secretly I was glad because this attitude will keep him in study/school mode but my Oscar winning performance included telling him that it was an awesome mark (it is especially for us mathemagicians (which is what Jason calls me)) and that as long as he knows where he went wrong then he learnt something and that is OK. I am so relieved that he is enjoying school and his friends there.

Audrey and Roland arrived on the 23rd and Christmas officially began for us. Jacob was so happy to see them, we all were. Audrey immediately had Jason take her to the mall (yes Roland went too) from the airport (we were both working that day) and I met them there for lunch - so nice! I did not have holidays to take but the way Christmas and New Year's fell it felt like a vacation. Over Christmas Audrey and I shopped, Roland fixed things around our house, we played games and cards, visited with lots of friends and family too. We all had a great Christmas eve with the Moores and a wonderful New Year's Eve with the Staggs (all the crowd!) - thank you Maggie for my birthday cake. Mom sent me a birthday cake which was delicious! Thank you Mom!

On my birthday my boss threw me a birthday breakfast and we all went to that - it was such a great day overall. After New Year's Audrey and I met up with Beryl and had a wonderful breakfast and conversation and then more shopping. I have her shopped out I think. ha

My in-laws are the best. People who complain about their in-laws are a mystery to me. Roland and Audrey put up with my antics and still love me unconditionally. Who could ask for more? Audrey cooked us moose stew for god sakes. We all wish they could have stayed longer but 2 weeks from home is hard, I know. We miss them already and we can't wait to see them again. Thank you Audrey and Roland for making our Christmas extra special this year. Seeing Jacob's smile and laughter when he was around you guys was a great Christmas present. He did things for them while they were here and wanted to be around them so much - it really warmed my heart and it could have made me cry if I thought about it too much. His realtionship with them and with Mom and Dad has been important to us since day one. Seeing it blossom over the years to what is soon becoming a teenage - grand parent relationship is one of the joys in life.

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