Saturday, September 4, 2010

Throw it or Blow it

Jacob makes me laugh so often that I could not possibly write everything down. I wish I could. But yesterday he made me laugh out loud (yes I am writing the whole thing out) and I had to make a note of it today. We were watching an IMAX special on beavers (I give thanks every day that my son enjoys those geeky things like his parents do). The commercials in between give us a chance to make judgements and comments (I usually PVR but how do I judge or make comments if I never see any commercials?). Of course most of the ads were for reality TV shows which Jacob does not like at all. As some of the commercials rolled by we stumbled upon the new drama out this fall - Hellcats. Hellcats is a cheerleading themed drama about catty girls with gymnastic skills. Well. The two of us laughed and laughed and Jacob commented that they are making show about anything now and turning it into a drama. Cheerleading? Really? Jacob, being as quick as he is, said "What's next? A drama about playing darts? They could call it "Throw it or blow it!" HA I just about died. He is one funny kid. Of course that comment led to a whole evening of funny comments about his new dart throwing show.
I understand people who do not want kids in their life - it is a personal decision and I respect that. But to not have Jacob in my life would be a travesty. I know if I didn't have him I would not know what I would be missing out on. I know. But the joy he brings me is so overwhelming sometimes, I just cannot imagine my life without him. I hope we stay close throughout my lifetime.

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