Monday, September 6, 2010

Grade 7

Where does the time go? We ask ourselves that every birthday, every anniversary and every September when school starts. It is amazing that we have a 12 year old. It is amazing that Mom and Dad have two kids in their 40's and one in their 30's (thank you for thinking it but no, I am not in my 30's). Yes I know I am getting older, we all are, but to have it hit you in the face, in one day. Well not anyone's cup of tea.
What do you remember about Grade 7? I remember going to dances, starting my period (yuck, grody to the max) and getting my first kiss. I remember thinking more about my social life than my academics. Do boys think that way? I am assuming (hoping) they do not. We never had Facebook or texts to contend with - not sure what that would have done but I suspect there would be a lot more pictures of each one of us on the internet - embarassing, disturbing and not for parents or future employers pics all over the internet for everyone to see. A lot of pressure for the younger generation today I think. So many times I had wished I had a camera to capture one (or many) of my friends doing embarassing things. I cannot imagine having a camera in my phone in my back pocket at all times!
I wish Jacob good luck tomorrow. I wish I could be a fly on the wall tomorrow. Of course I would still be the most embarassing fly on the wall at the school, according to him. As long as he did not have a swatter in his bag I would be ok.

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