Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Settling in

I am starting to feel like I am settling in. Settling in to Ottawa, to our situation (which improves from day to day) and in to life. For a while I had put everything at a stand still. At first I thought it was an outside influence but no, it was me. I had suspended living, at least, living to the fullest. If anything life is meant to be lived to the fullest and I had let a ton of stuff stay on my back and keep me from doing so. Now if I can convince others around me to do so too. Jacob still has a hate on for Ottawa but he recently started playing soccer again and he loves it. I am still amazed by his size and agility and I wish he'd stop getting taller than his mother. I heard Jason talking to him last night and I thought it was going to turn into something that I'd have to fix (all you Mom's know what I am talking about) but he told Jacob why he didn't like what he was saying or how he was saying it and they had a great conversation (and did not know they had an eavesdropper). That kind of stuff still makes me smile.
Because I am starting to live Jacob thinks I am gone too much and why do I get to do everything and he doesn't? Hmmmm. For some reason he has this impression that I have a wild and crazy social life and I have left him out of it. In the mean time when I stay home he ignores me for the most part, does his own thing or goes to a friend's house without a second glance back at me, left home alone. The only time he doesn't ignore me is when I am on the phone. As soon as a friend calls he is in my face, on top of me, wanting to hang out. What is up with that?
When he fully settles in I cannot wait to bother him when he gets a phone call.

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