Saturday, January 23, 2010

Long week

Everybody at work yesterday was talking about the long week it had been and I was thinking "Really?" because it seemed like a normal week to me. But as I realized last night talking to Tracy I had been going to bed early almost every night. And usually I read before I got to sleep and I would only get a paragraph in and have to put my book down and nod off. Last night I was in bed by 10pm which is unusual for me only a Friday night. So I guess it was a long week for me as well, I just did not know it until it was over.
My patience for people and things had been growing but ever since the earthquake in Haiti, where people have real problems and issues, my patience has thinned out again. I have got to keep that in check but every now and again I give a person a dose of perspective that they do not like and I wish I had kept my mouth shut. But really, when is that ever going to happen? At least I am realistic.

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