If I had the whole year to do over again would I do anything different? Probably not. I fought tooth and nail for Jason's medical care, and our military family helped us to that with alot less fight and more ease to be frank. If I could have protected Jacob more I would have but I do not think that was possible.
Would I have given up the chance to know how dedicated and loving Jason's colleagues were at JTFN? No.
Would I have given up the chance to witness Jeff and Jennifer go beyond the call of friends and take Jacob in as their own? No.
Would I have given up the chance to love Roland and Audrey more than I ever thought possible? No.
Would I have given up the chance to have my best friend in the world show me her love? No.
Would I have given up the chance to see what friendship is firsthand? No. To witness Keith, Ros and so many family and friends show their love through visits, emails, calls, support? No.
Would I have given up the chance to have Tom, Teresa, Mason and Shelby take us under their wings? No.
We have seen many great things this past year, haven't we?
All of you have been a sight to see, to witness the backbone of friendship, kinship, it has been a joy.
Would I have given up the chance to watch Jason in the fight of his life, for his life? Yes. But boy was it a miracle to watch. To see that happen, day by day, minute by minute. A gift in a cloak of tragedy.
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