Monday, June 1, 2009

Computer error

So I had written a fairly long entry when all of a sudden my computer kicked me out and eradicated my entry in one fell swoop. So quite honestly I cannot write all of that again. I have been having problems with my right wrist, I think I have carpel tunnel again (I had it years ago) so bear with me - the short version is still in me.
Sunday before last - Deidre, Ben and Vivi arrived and visited for 2 days - finally got to meet Vivi!! Adorable, sweet, could eat her.
Tuesday - soccer game - we love watching Jacob play. Jason got invited to help with the practice portion - I enjoyed watching him hit a soccer ball! Darn. Forgot camera. Oh well.
Thursday - had job interview with Canadian Forces Military Family Services - job is Policy/Program Director for adult education/health care/childcare for MFRC's across Canada. Wrote test at 8:30am - which was really "design an outline and report (350 words) in 40-50 mins, include methodology/tools/outline of report. My report was 350 words exactly. I hope it was OK, I was satisfied. Interview was 80 mins long, went well, I liked my interviewees. One question was "describe your most stressful moment". Hmmmmm. Let me see.....
Friday night - date night. Went out with neighbours (6 of us) to see Angels and Demons and to dinner. Wonderful time. Why don't we do this more often??
Saturday - went to the Hillier's for a BBQ - lovely time and got to meet Pete's brother Mark. Meagan is still a knockout and Sean has a faux hawk. Too cute. Saturday night when Jason came to bed I was almost asleep. Jason was talking away to me which he hasn't done much this year so I was like "wake up and listen Lisa". So we talked and then when he stopped I fell back to sleep. Cannot remember what he said but was happy we had that conversation regardless.
Sunday - laundry, cleaning up, grocery shopping for me. Jason took Jacob to see Terminator Salvation - they liked it. Jacob was concerned going with his Dad alone. I told him everything would be fine. In my head I thought "they haven;t sone something like this since last June and I understand". They had fun and Jacob is getting more confidence in his Dad. I know seeing his Dad last summer in that hospital bed is etched in his mind too. Asking me if he is going to be OK and me not being able to tell him "yes" is also etched in his brain. It will take time. I wanted to cry when he told me his concerns and then I wanted to cry out of happiness wihen they got back and both told me they had a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with job Lisa...what a cool position that is! You would be great!! I hope to get to these soccer games with you to cheer on the boys!! Glad to hear that you had such a great weekend and thanks for tuning in to watch Campbell at the telethon.

