Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being Sick Sucks

How's that for a title? So eloquent, so meaningful. After doing 2 weeks of a virus/cold? a few weeks back, going through an antibiotic regimen which was killer on my stomach, apparently that treatment failed and the antibiotic resistant bacteria survived in my sinuses - or that's the theory anyway. Now I am into Day 5 of misery, wicked cough, sore throat, sinus pain. I will admit I do feel better than I did on Monday but this cough and the sneezing, I am afraid if it is something else then all my peeps at work will be exposed. Plus I don't think I could drive to work let alone actually work yet. Between the nose blowing, cough, wheezing, drinking 18 gallons of liquid and thus going to the bathroom constantly I am staying put again today. I had sinus x-rays and chest x-rays done yesterday because now there is a possibility it is pneumonia or something else. When I went in for the x-rays the tech took my sinus shots yesterday. I enjoyed seeing my spine, skull and cavities although I never got a long enough look. When she put in the chest x-ray cartridge I said "my god that's a big cartridge" and she didn't even break her stride, she replied "well you have a big chest". If I wasn't so miserable I would have laughed out loud (and not LOL either). It made my grin though, I like her. I cannot remember who sent me the thyroid cover article about the increase with thyroid cancer may be linked to exposure during x-rays (including dental) and I already have a thyroid problem so as she was covering up my ovaries, kidneys I asked for the neck piece. She found it and helped me put it on but I do not think she would have had me wear it had I not asked for it. I could not wear it for the chest x-rays but I did for the sinus shots (which were quite a few). I think everyone should be asking for extra protection when having x-rays - what could it hurt? I must go take my antibiotic and extra fluids, call my boss and tell him I yet again must stay in hibernation. I am missing work, adult conversation, even going to the grocery store, living. I hope this ends soon or becomes tolerable enough to get through my day without pj's. I wish this on no one.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Ended a job on Thursday, started my new one Friday. Today I am sick, my head, my throat, cough, sinuses.....doc thinks it is sinusitis and gave me some heavy duty antibiotics, I hope it works. I am all excited about my new job so I hope I am ok on Monday to work. Had a wonderful 40th and 13th birthday party for Jason and Jacob. A great time was had by all, lots of out of town friends which was so nice. We had a great evening talking and laughing, my stomach hurt the next day. I had a dream last night, now I was feverish, that Jason's ICD went off and I watched it happen to him and then I watched him have a stroke. It was a nightmare really. I came right up off the bed, it took me a long time to settle down, it was so real. I think my nerves are a bit raw these days. Just when I stop worrying and panicking I have this nightmare. What is my subconscious trying to tell me? That I should worry? Hmmmmm.