Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 is almost done

Jacob is between boyhood and manhood. What a strange thing puberty is. I remember it well. I may be turning 40 soon but you remember puberty like you remember childbirth - painful but something you have to go through in order to get to the good stuff. His body is changing, his voice has recently started to change, he is officially a bit taller than me and he wears size 9-10 mens shoes. OMG.
I see a baby and think "Was it that long ago?" He is almost 12 and 12 years doesn't seem like much in the big scheme of things but he went from weighing 5 lbs to weighing 105 in 11 years. It is pretty cool to be able to go see "Sherlock Holmes" with him or talk about girls and other topics I cannot discuss here (I won't be able to afford the therapy for him if I discuss our previous chats).
Turning 40 is a hurdle that I am happy to jump. Not having another birthday is not a good option, obviously. Plus I will get to see the boy become the man. But I will miss him. He brought me plenty of messy kisses, lots of sleepless nights and a lot of dirty diapers. Soon he'll begiving away his kisses to someone else, causing me to have more sleepless nights but at least there won't be more dirty diapers anytime soon.

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