Sunday, September 13, 2009

Friends and Family

I have got some friends and family going through some really rough times right now. I guess at some point we all go through it and that's what makes us human. Animals don't have deal with any psychological crap like we do, do they? Physically they deal with stress but do they mentally? It can wear you down so much. I have to say that Jennifer and all of my military family helped me through the hospital in Yellowknife and the minister and social worker at the hospital in Edmonton helped me through the medical ordeal. My military family in Edmonton were superb and their dedication to detail was amazing. Audrey and Roland made me strong. Sherry made me strong. Our friends and family that visited, that called, that emailed, made us stronger too. There were hiccups along the way but I held it together for Jason. Without Jason I don't know what I would have been like. I don't know what I would have have done if all of you hadn't helped take care of Jacob. Everything I did or said was for him.
Now looking back on all of that I know how I got through. I always knew who the good people were in my life. I always knew that they would be there for us. I knew they loved us. But damn you guys are good. Thank you.
Live life. Do not let people put you down. Do not spend your time trying to improve those kind of people - it isn't going to happen. Do not waste time on drama and complication - move on. Step away. If your gut is telling you they are not good people then spend time with others. Do not waste your one time around. Do not feel guilt, only feel love. Let the fake people live with each other, be real. Stay real.
OK I am getting off my soapbox now. Jacob and I had a conversation about fakeness last night and I guess it got me going. When an 11 yr old can see through it it's a good sign that we are doing our job right.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice from one of the most real people I know! Thanks Lisa. This all makes sense. I am glad that Jacob is following in Mom's footsteps.

    Take care
