Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making a Spectacle out of Yourself

We picked up Jacob at school this morning and took him to the doc to burn 2 more plantars warts (same area as last time) so that should be the end of them little buggers, I hope. Jacob was really good while she was doing it and then he threw the leftovers over his sneakers for a big finish. I then mentioned what he told me the night before - he was having trouble seeing all the writing on the whiteboard from the back of the class. So she had his eyes tested (informally) and he will need glasses. So I booked an optometrist appt for him for the 17th (close to the house!). Jacob asked the doc when he would need to wear them (recess? outdoors?) and she said just in class. He thought that was ok. He also said he wanted cobalt coloured frames. How does an eleven year old boy come up with this? I was hoping he would never have to join the bespectacled group of four eyes but alas it will happen. Puberty is a wicked fiend.
I had her look at my spots on my forehead as well and she thinks one may be skin cancer, maybe not so she is sending me to a dermatologist for that. Now one time that would have made my stomach churn up into my mouth but that news didn't make me feel anything but mild concern and glad that she is giving me a referral. Jacob getting glasses would have at one time made me feel like I failed him somehow (with my imperfect vision genes) but now it just makes me think - accessory! Perspective can really make you mature, hmmmmm.
Jason had his fourth driving lesson today an dall went well. He will have two more and then his road test. He has improved with every lesson so I am crossing my fingers and legs for his upcoming road test.
I managed to touch up the paint chips on the truck and today I will try and clear coat them. Not a perfect job but I am stifiling my Type A personality and letting it go. Life is not about perfection.
Jason is still forgetting a few things from time to time but he is also remembering more than he has in previous months. The neurons are still reconnecting....

1 comment:

  1. HI Lisa, It has been a while and I have been catching up on your blogs...Jacob is so funny. I wish my two would be as interested in hockey hockey!
    Hope all is ok with the spot on the noggin'. I have one of those nasty spots too. Maybe we can blame it on the big sunshine in Ontario...that northern sunshine was far less harmless...other dangers up there though like the black night pub, camping in your back yard and the raven mad days! I often miss Yellowknife. That place has a big hold on me and I think about it often. I know you do too. The people are great and I love them and the fact that it is always ok. to wear rubber boots and track pants to the grocery store!!!

    I hope you are doing well and enjoying the sleet and snow. When oh when will spring-spring?

