So I was sick for 5 days and got back to work on Tuesday. Wednesday I was asked to attend a meeting with my co-workers and my supervisors. I received my end of contract letter and everyone in the room seemed sad. I love my job. I love working with my co-workers - they are such a supportive team and a wonderful group of people. They all want to help military families and support them. Being able to help and provide support to military families on a national scale has been a dream job for me. Working on the education aspect within the military lifestyle was like working in a job that I wrote the job description for....can you tell I am having a bit of trouble letting go of such a beloved job?
I am trying to remain optimistic and realistic. I am applying for other jobs that interest me. And I will keep supporting military families albeit on a smaller scale but doing it fills something in me. Giving back to my military community is a must.
This week I also found out that my wonderful friends and neighbours are posted back to Halifax. They are estatic of course and I am happy for them. But I will miss them. Dearly. Of course they will be friends for life and I was lucky to have had them so close for 2 years, but July will be a sad event. Another piece of the military lifestyle. The positive side is the number of friends I have and will have always. But I have to say it sucks to have your good freinds move away. Or you move away from them.
Chin up, moving forward. I have 3 weeks to get the job well done.