Friday, October 29, 2010

The Gift of Cancer

If you check out Eve Ensler's speech in the The Huffington Post ( - The Gift of Cancer, it may open your eyes. An intersting way of looking at her own battle. She is the author of the Vagina Monologues in case you were wondering why that name was familiar.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving to those overseas, those ordinary citizens who have it in them to not only serve their country but do it away from their families, their loved ones. Missing birthdays, holidays, anniversaries without complaint. But missing their children, their partners, their right hands and their beds so bad sometimes that they cannot even relay that to the people they work with or to the padre who asks them how they are feeling. Thank you for helping others. Thank you for representing us in the world. Thank you for being you.
We think about you a lot. We even sometimes cry while driving in our cars if a soppy endearing song comes on the radio because we know you would love to be home, would love to be hugged. We think about you at work, in school and on the bus. You are in our thoughts. We all want you to come home safe. We could not do what you are doing and we respect you for it.
Thank you to all the members of the Canadian Forces and their families. Thank you to the little boy who asked his Mom this afternoon why Daddy was not there this year. Thank you to the little girl at school who wrote her Thanksgiving speech about missing her Mom for the whole school to hear. They heard the pride in her voice. Thank you to the parents who cxonstantly check all the news networks daily and who hang on the phone calls and emails they get whenever possible. Thank you to the children who are with their grandparents this year for turkey because both Mom and Dad had to be away today. Thank you to the all of the gay partners who are spending today with family and friends without their loved one by their side. Thank you to the friends who raise a glass for their buddies today and await their tours to be over.

Thank you to all of those Canadians who thanked somebody today.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stress Leave

I got adjusted by my Naturopath today and she told me I am very tense, holding all my stress in my neck and shoulders. I have stretching exercises to do every day now to keep the stress out of my upper body - so now where is it going to go?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Giving Thanks

After seeing all of the news from home about Igor and the destruction left behind I felt I had to try something. So I created an event on FB called Giving Thanks to Home as a means for Friends to send me a loonie in support of a family in Trouty that may be suffering as we speak. I saw Josephine from Trouty on CBC News one night and all I could do is cry along with her. She was overwhelmed and in shock, I could easilyrecognize it. I thought if we could help one family then one family will benefit and that's Giving Thanks to Home.
Newfoundland is a place of giving, caring and hard as a rock human beings that can take just about anything thrown at them. I think that's why I want to help. I want to also let them know that Newfoundlanders living away from home care, people care. The apathy I saw on TV and in newspapers regarding New Orleans was sad. It still is. But one by one, people jumped in to help. Not the government, not corporations, it started with ordinary citizens helping each other.
I have raised $72 so far and I want to keep going until Thanksgiving Day officially asking for your loonie but then I promise, I will stop. I will write a check for the full amount raised and sent it to a family in Trouty. It may not make them rich but it may represent the care we have for others.